(Stupidly was too busy having a hand massage to pick them up but it's the thought that counts)
A cute little map of Westfield (lord I needed one) and of London!
A little booklet of all the treats we received!
A little Group Selfie for a competition
Free Champagne? yes please.
Me in a little Ted Baker 360 video competition thing where you tried on their goods and took a video of you and you are automatically entered into a competition
(I was mortified to find out while I was browsing in their store that my video was actually being shown behind me on a big screen; safe to say I made a swift exit stage left...)
Fabulous decor...
Grand entrance...
This was the Yves Saint Laurent Makeup Artists Beauty Bar
Discover your future only if you discover where the fourtune teller went for a cigarette break!
So much wonderful and very Vogue flower decor!
My elegant posture during a relaxing hand massage (cameo from Dina's strawberry and champagne!)
Obligatory but unnecessary DJ (sorry mate!)
Royal Ballet Dancer in the window of Hugo Boss; very surreal.
There was also an electric violinist in Ghost, and a royal opera singer in Jimmy Choo!