Do you ever just wake up in the morning and think:
'damn... I wish I was in a different country'.
This October? I thought the exact same, but did it.
I don't take all credit: it was partly inspired by my looming medical situation (which I won't go into with you all just yet): which has made me a little less hesitant and a little more...
Fuck it.
And so, alas, I booked a last minute flight up to Amsterdam with a dear Dutch(ess) friend of mine and we took on the city in two days!
-Dutch boys are just my type: tall, blonde, dress well and and HOT.
-The Red Light district isn't as scary as one might have thought.
-The Dutch are really friendly (especially the boys)
-'Coffee Shops' are cool but a little seedy......
-Dutch boys are very good looking
-The whole city is riddled with rivers and bridges like Venice!
-Bangin' blonde dutch boys are everywhere
-Bicyclists are ruthless and will run you over. (never been so scared in my life)
-Every other person is a graphic designer or part of a start up.
-hototototototot boyz
OKAY so: come take a look kids!
Like the little ceramic ones you always see at your Dutch Friends house!
(but big)
Certainly a reputable establishment
Me being happy and giggly to be in Amstah-dayum!
EVER-Y-ONE was wearing the Falllajskkuding Krafvnken (yes that is the correct spelling, I study fashion don't question me!)
backpacks and I actually really started to dig them!
backpacks and I actually really started to dig them!
(update I bought one: made of recycled bottles!!)
Morning Walks...
Feeling very Van Gogh.
Picked up these beauties (sunnies) in beloved AMS!
My Dutchess!!
Such a Dutch Photo!!
Great Dane !
Am I being silly? I don't know.
This trip made me so happy. It was such a whirlwind!
That is German written on top of the building (i'm lying again)
We couldn't resist these gorgeous backlit silhouette foggy day photos!
Rivers like Venice Like I said!
This is what a Coffee Shop looks like. They try to remain low-key. .. ...

Another low-key 'Coffee Shop'
Who is that loser?
Little off, just like me.
Even the fog of the last day was beautiful...
Thanks AMS!! Which city shall I last minute explore next....