What was going on in my head, waiting sometimes up to 5 minutes for my shutter to close, last night under that incredible moon lit night...
I have three nationalities: Swiss, British, and American. I was born in Switzerland, my mother is English and my father is American. My bloodline, furthermore, extends from Spanish to Gibraltarian, and all the way back to Dutch.
So... what am I? What do you think I am?
This is the downside that is often overlooked when I tell people I have three passports.
Yes, it's cool. But paying taxes to three countries is a burden, and frequent identity crisis are ... confusing.
In America, I am told I have a British accent, and in Britain I am told I have an American Accent.. and, as of late, Irish? By Irish people. Who, in two instances have convinced themselves I was lying!
Yes, it's cool. But paying taxes to three countries is a burden, and frequent identity crisis are ... confusing.
In America, I am told I have a British accent, and in Britain I am told I have an American Accent.. and, as of late, Irish? By Irish people. Who, in two instances have convinced themselves I was lying!
My opening line when I meet someone new isn't 'Hi, I'm SwissandAmericanandBritish"
I choose... depending on the circumstance. The British tend to hate Americans; so I introduce myself as either Swiss/British. The Americans love Americans! ...and British; so I introduce myself in America as American and British.... and the Swiss? love the Swiss!
So if the Irish think I'm Irish, the American British, and the British American...
Does that make me transatlantic? Do I belong in smack in the middle of the Atlantic ocean between Ireland, London, and the USA?
I know it seems like I've been harping on about my blog title for a while: but I've been working on some developments for my blog, and it is increasingly integral to me to establish and re-establish the identity of my blog, and... myself.
Last night: instead of asking the question of "what am I?" I asked, "where is home?"...